Where your dream home becomes more than just a mood board. Whether you're here to upcycle a flea market find, tackle a room renovation, or just add a touch of handmade to your space, there's something for everyone. Navigate through the categories, or use the handy search box to find exactly what your creative heart desires. Each post is a treasure trove of tips, tricks, and step-by-step guides, designed to make your DIY journey as seamless as possible. Happy exploring!

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Want to add some greenery to your door or walls without the bulkiness of a traditional wreath?! Try making this simple modern wreath! It adds the perfect amount of character to any space without being overwhelming. I absolutely love the clean design of the wire ring with the warmth of the greenery! I have moved […]

Do you ever see something in a shop and think “I can make that?” I do that all too often (which is how I end up with a never ending project list). I hate seeing overpriced items that could easily be made for a fraction of the price. That is exactly how I feel about […]

I always struggle to come up with the perfect gift, whether it’s for family, friends, or in this case, teachers. I like to give thoughtful gifts and it’s always a bonus if I can make it. I was super excited when I came up with the idea to make these wooden clip picture frames for […]

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone back and forth to my local hardware store to buy shiplap. It can be found in almost every room in my home by now. I love the simple design that adds dimension without adding clutter. It’s no surprise that I have a nice little stash of […]

Nicole is the powerhouse behind Simply Aligned Home, where she combines her engineering expertise with her creative spirit. Armed with a paintbrush and meticulously crafted plans, she demystifies the often intimidating realm of DIY. Nicole doesn't merely showcase before-and-after transformations; she goes the extra mile to provide readers with in-depth tutorials, engineered schematics, and the occasional behind-the-scenes blooper. Whether you're a DIY novice or an experienced craftsman, Nicole has crafted her content to offer something valuable for everyone.

About Nicole: Your DIY Guide and Enthusiast

Meet the Creative Force Behind the Blog

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